Advanced Guide#

This guide is intended to give the user an idea of the various options and possibilities available in pocoMC. We will start by explaining in detail how to define a problem of Bayesian inference. Then, we will demonstrate how to use pocoMC in order to solve the aforementioned problem as effectively and robustly as possible.

Likelihood function#

We will begin by defining our problem. To this end we need to define log-likelihood function \(\log\mathcal{L}(\theta)=\log p(d\vert\theta,\mathcal{M})\) and log-prior probability density function \(\log \pi(\theta) = \log p(\theta\vert \mathcal{M})\). We will start with the former, the likelihood. If you are not familiar with these terms I encourage you to visit the Background section for some theory.

Suppose that we want our likelihood function to be a Gaussian density with 10 parameters or in 10-D, we would do something like:

import numpy as np

# Define the dimensionality of our problem.
n_dim = 10

# Define our 3-D correlated multivariate normal log-likelihood.
C = np.identity(n_dim)
C[C==0] = 0.95
Cinv = np.linalg.inv(C)
lnorm = -0.5 * (np.log(2 * np.pi) * n_dim + np.log(np.linalg.det(C)))

def log_like(x):
    return -0.5 *,, x)) + lnorm

The inclusion of the normalisation factor lnorm is not strictly necessary as it does not depend on x and thus does vary.

Prior probability distribution#

Standard priors#

The next step is to define the prior probability distribution. This encodes our knowledge about the parameters of the model before we have seen any data.

pocoMC offers two ways to define a prior. The first is to utilise ready-made priors from the scipy.stats package. For instance, if we want our prior to be a uniform distribution on the interval \([-10,10]\) for all 10 of the parameters, we would do:

from scipy.stats import uniform

prior = pc.Prior(n_dim * [uniform(loc=-10.0, scale=20.0)]) # Uniform prior on [-10,10] for all 10 parameters.

Suppose now that we want a different prior for each parameter. For instance, we want the first five parameters to have a flat/uniform prior \(x_{i}\sim\mathcal{U}(-10,10)\) for \(i=0,1,\dots,4\) and the last five to have a Gaussian/normal prior with mean \(\mu=0\) and standard deviation \(\sigma=3\), i.e. \(x_{i}\sim\mathcal{N}(0,3^{2})\) for \(i=5,6,\dots,9\). We would do:

from scipy.stats import uniform, norm

prior = pc.Prior([uniform(loc=-10.0, scale=20.0), # Uniform prior on [-10,10] for the first parameter.
                  uniform(loc=-10.0, scale=20.0), # Uniform prior on [-10,10] for the second parameter.
                  uniform(loc=-10.0, scale=20.0), # Uniform prior on [-10,10] for the third parameter.
                  uniform(loc=-10.0, scale=20.0), # Uniform prior on [-10,10] for the fourth parameter.
                  uniform(loc=-10.0, scale=20.0), # Uniform prior on [-10,10] for the fifth parameter.
                  norm(loc=0.0, scale=3.0), # Normal prior with mean=0 and std=3 for the sixth parameter.
                  norm(loc=0.0, scale=3.0), # Normal prior with mean=0 and std=3 for the seventh parameter.
                  norm(loc=0.0, scale=3.0), # Normal prior with mean=0 and std=3 for the eighth parameter.
                  norm(loc=0.0, scale=3.0), # Normal prior with mean=0 and std=3 for the ninth parameter.
                  norm(loc=0.0, scale=3.0), # Normal prior with mean=0 and std=3 for the tenth parameter.

or simply:

from scipy.stats import uniform, norm

prior = pc.Prior([uniform(loc=-10.0, scale=20.0)] * 5 + [norm(loc=0.0, scale=3.0)] * 5)

One is free to use any of the priors available in the scipy.stats package. For a full list see here.

Custom priors#

The second way to define a prior is to define a class including the logpdf and rvs methods and dim and bounds attributes. This can be useful when the prior has some conditional/hierarchical structure. As an example, let us assume we have a three-parameter model where the prior for the third parameter depends on the values for the first two. This might be the case in, e.g., a hierarchical model where the prior over c is a Normal distribution whose mean m and standard deviation s are determined by a corresponding “hyper-prior”. We can easily set up a prior transform for this model by just going through the variables in order. This would look like:

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

class CustomPrior:
    def __init__(self):
        self.dim = 3
        self.bounds = np.array([[-np.inf, np.inf],
                                [0.0, 10],
                                [-np.inf, np.inf]])
        self.hyper_mean = 0.0
        self.hyper_std = 3.0

    def logpdf(self, x):
        m, s, c = x
        return norm.logpdf(c, loc=m, scale=s)

    def rvs(self, size=1):
        m = np.random.normal(loc=self.hyper_mean, scale=self.hyper_std, size=size)
        s = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=10.0, size=size)
        c = np.random.normal(loc=m, scale=s, size=size)
        return np.array([m, s, c]).T

prior = CustomPrior()

Sampler options#

Having defined the Bayesian components of the problem (e.g. likelihood, prior, etc.) we can now turn our attention to configuring pocoMC in order to solve this inference problem.

The next step is to import pocoMC and initialise the Sampler class:

import pocomc as pc

sampler = pc.Sampler(prior = prior,
                     likelihood = log_like,

The sampler also accepts other arguments, for a full list see API Reference. Those include:

  • An optional n_dim argument that specifies the dimensionality of the problem. If not provided, the sampler will try to infer it from the prior.

  • An optional n_ess argument that specifies the number of effectively independent particles to use. If not provided, 1000 is used by default. This determines the speed and robustness of the sampling procedure. Generally, higher values of n_ess are better but they also require more computational resources. Higher-dimensional problems or problems with complex posteriors may require higher values of n_ess.

  • An optional n_active argument that specifies the number of active particles to use. If not provided, 250 is used by default. Generally, n_active should be less than n_ess // 2. The active particles are the ones (out of the total n_ess particles) that are updated in each iteration. Therefore, one can think of n_active as the batch size used for the sampling procedure.

  • Additional arguments passed to the log-likelihood using the arguments likelihood_args and likelihood_kwargs. For instance, if the log-likelihood function accepts an extra argument data we would do something like:

    sampler = pc.Sampler(prior = prior,
                         likelihood = log_like,
                         likelihood_args = [data],
  • The argument vectorize that accepts a boolean value (i.e., True or False) allows the user to use a vectorized log-likelihood function. This can be useful when the vectorized log-likelihood function is cheaper to evaluate or a parallel version of the log-likelihood function is available. For instance, if we have a vectorized log-likelihood function log_like_vec we would do something like:

    sampler = pc.Sampler(prior = prior,
                         likelihood = log_like_vec,
                         vectorize = True,
  • The pool argument allows the user to specify a pool object to use for parallelisation. For more details see the Parallelisation section below.

  • The flow argument allows the user to specify the normalising flow to use. For more details see the Normalizing Flow section below section. Generally, the default normalising flow is a good choice for most problems.

  • The train_config argument allows the user to specify the training configuration of the normalising flow. For more details see the Normalizing Flow section below. Generally, the default training configuration is a good choice for most problems.

  • The precondition argument allows the user to specify whether to use the preconditioning of the normalising flow. For more details see the Normalizing Flow section below. Generally, using normalizing flow preconditioning is a good choice for most problems as the latent space is usually less correlated than the parameter space.

  • The n_prior argument allows the user to specify the number of prior samples to draw in the beginning of the run. By default n_prior=2*(n_ess//n_active)*n_active is selected. This is useful for the initialisation of the sampler and we do not recommend changing it.

  • The sample argument determines the MCMC sampling method to use. By default sampler='pcn' is selected and the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson (PCN) method is used. The alternative is to use sampler='rwm' and the standard Random-walk Metropolis method.

  • The max_steps argument determines the maximum number of MCMC steps to use per iteration. By default max_steps=5*n_dim is selected. This is the maximum number of steps that the MCMC sampler will take in order to update the active particles. The actual number of steps is determined adaptively by the sampler. The default value of max_steps is usually a good choice for most problems.

  • The patience arguments determines the maximum number of MCMC steps after which the sampler will stop updating the active particles if the average logP has not increased. By default this parameter is determined automatically by the sampler and depends on the dimensionality of the problem, the acceptance rate, and the proposal scale. The default value of patience is usually a good choice for most problems and we do not recommend changing it.

  • The ess_threshold defines the minimum effective sample size (ESS) of an iteration for the sampler to consider using particles from that iteration to update the active particles. By default ess_threshold=4*n_dim is selected. This means that if the ESS of an iteration is less than 4*n_dim then the sampler will not use any particles from that iteration to update the active particles during resampling. The default value of ess_threshold is usually a good choice for most problems and we do not recommend changing it.

  • The output_dir argument allows the user to specify the directory in which the output files will be saved. By default output_dir=None is selected and the output files will be saved in the state directory.

  • The output_label is the label used in state files. Defaullt is None which corresponds to "pmc". The saved states are named as "{output_dir}/{output_label}_{i}.state" where i is the iteration index. Output files can be used to resume a run.

  • The random_state argument allows the user to specify the random state of the sampler (i.e., any integer value). By default random_state=None is selected and the random state is not fixed. This can be useful for debugging purposes.

Running the sampler#

Running the actual sampling procedure that will produce, among other things, a collection of samples from the posterior as well as an unbiased estimate of the model evidence, can be done by using the run method of the sampler:

Running the above also produces a progress bar similar to the one shown below:

Iter: 64it [03:50,  3.59s/it, calls=77500, beta=1, logZ=-21.5, ESS=5e+3, acc=0.704, steps=3, logP=-25.2, eff=1]

The calls argument shows the total number of log-likelihood calls. The beta argument shows the current value of the inverse temperature. The logZ argument shows the current estimate of the logarithm of the model evidence. The ESS argument shows the current estimate of the effective sample size. The acc argument shows the current acceptance rate. The steps argument shows the current number of MCMC steps per iteration. The logP argument shows the current average log-posterior. The eff argument shows the current efficiency of the sampling procedure. Generally, as long as the acceptance rate remains above 0.15 and the efficiency remains above 0.2 the sampling procedure is working well. Low values of the efficiency can indicate that the normalizing flow is struggling to approximate the posterior. In such cases, one can try to use a more powerful normalizing flow (e.g. more layers or more hidden units per layer) or a different training configuration (e.g. more epochs or a smaller learning rate).

We can also use the run method to specify the desired number of total effective samples and the number of evidence samples to use for the estimate of the model evidence. For instance, if we want to use 5000 total effective samples and 5000 evidence samples we would do something like:,

The progress argument allows the user to specify whether to show a progress bar or not. By default progress=True is selected and a progress bar is shown. If progress=False is selected then no progress bar is shown. This can be useful when running the sampler in a computing cluster.


Once the run is complete we can look at the results. This can be done in two ways. The first is to use the posterior and evidence methods of the sampler. For instance, if we want to get the samples from the posterior we would do:

samples, weights, logl, logp = sampler.posterior()

The samples argument is an array with the samples from the posterior. The weights argument is an array with the weights of the samples from the posterior. The logl argument is an array with the values of the log-likelihood for the samples from the posterior. The logp argument is an array with the values of the log-prior for the samples from the posterior.

If we want to get samples from the posterior without the weights we would do:

samples, logl, logp = sampler.posterior(resample=True)

This resamples the particles and is useful when we want to use the samples for parameter inference and we do not want to deal with the weights.

The samples from the posterior can be used for parameter inference. For instance, we can get the mean and standard deviation of the posterior for each parameter by doing:

mean = np.mean(samples, axis=0)
std = np.std(samples, axis=0)

Or, we can utilize a third-party package such as corner (available here) to plot the posterior samples:

import corner

fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=[f"$x_{i}$" for i in range(n_dim)]); # If we do not want to use the weights.
# fig = corner.corner(samples, weights=weights, labels=[f"$x_{i}$" for i in range(n_dim)]); # If we want to use the weights.

Similarly, we can also get the estimate of the model evidence / marginal likelihood by doing:

logZ, logZerr = sampler.evidence()

The logZ argument is the estimate of the logarithm of the model evidence. The logZerr argument is the error on the estimate of the logarithm of the model evidence. The error is estimated using the bootstrap method.

An alternative, and more advanced way, to look at the results is to use the results dictionary of the sampler, as follows:

results = sampler.results

This is a dictionary includes the following keys:

``u``, ``x``, ``logdetj``, ``logl``, ``logp``, ``logw``, ``iter``, ``logz``, ``calls``, ``steps``, ``efficiency``, ``ess``, ``accept``, ``beta``.

The u key is an array with the samples from the latent space. The x key is an array with the samples from the parameter space. The logdetj key is an array with the values of the log-determinant of the Jacobian of the normalizing flow for each sample. The logl key is an array with the values of the log-likelihood for each sample. The logp key is an array with the values of the log-prior for each sample. The logw key is an array with the values of the log-importance weights for each sample. The iter key is an array with the iteration index for each sample. The logz key is an array with the values of the logarithm of the model evidence for each iteration. The calls key is an array with the total number of log-likelihood calls for each iteration. The steps key is an array with the number of MCMC steps per iteration. The efficiency key is an array with the efficiency of the sampling procedure for each iteration. The ess key is an array with the effective sample size for each iteration. The accept key is an array with the acceptance rate for each iteration. The beta key is an array with the value of the inverse temperature for each iteration.

Normalizing Flow#

The default normalizing flow used by pocoMC is a Masked Autoregressive Flow (MAF) with 6 blocks of 3 layers each. Each layer has 64 hidden units with a residual connection and uses a relu activation function. Both the normalizing flow and the training configuration can be changed by the user. For instance, if we want to use a MAF with 12 blocks of 2 layers each and 128 hidden units per layer we would do:

import zuko

flow = zuko.flows.MAF(n_dim,
                      hidden_features=[128] * 3,

sampler = pc.Sampler(prior=prior,
                     likelihood = log_like,
                     flow = flow,

Any normalizing flow provided by the zuko package can be used. For a full list see here.

Additionally, the training configuration of the normalizing flow can also be changed as follows:

sampler = pc.Sampler(prior = prior,
                     likelihood = log_like,
                     flow = flow,

The above is the default training configuration and is a good choice for most problems. The validation_split argument determines the fraction of the training data to use as validation data. The epochs argument determines the maximum number of epochs to use for training. The batch_size argument determines the batch size to use for training. The patience argument determines the number of epochs to wait before early stopping if the validation loss does not improve. The learning_rate argument determines the learning rate to use for training. The annealing argument determines whether to use learning rate annealing or not. The gaussian_scale argument determines the scale of the Gaussian prior applied to the weights of the normalizing flow. The laplace_scale argument determines the scale of the Laplace prior applied to the weights of the normalizing flow. The noise argument determines the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to add to the input of the normalizing flow. The shuffle argument determines whether to shuffle the training data or not. The clip_grad_norm argument determines the maximum norm of the gradients to use for training. The verbose argument determines whether to print the training progress or not.


If you want to run computations in parallel, pocoMC can use a user-defined pool to execute a variety of expensive operations in parallel rather than in serial. This can be done by passing the pool object to the sampler upon initialization:

sampler = pc.Sampler(prior=prior,
                     likelihood = log_like,
                     pool = pool,

By default pocoMC will use the pool to execute the calculation of the log_likelihood in parallel for the particles.

Commonly used pools are offered by standard Python in the multiprocessing package and the multiprocess package. The benefit of the latter is that it uses dill to perform the serialization so it can actually work with a greater variety of log-likelihood functions. The disadvantage is that it needs to be installed manually. An example of how to use such a pool is the following:

from multiprocessing import Pool

n_cpus = 4

with Pool(n_cpus) as pool:

    sampler = pc.Sampler(prior=prior,
                         likelihood = log_like,
                         pool = pool,

where n_cpus is the number of available CPUs in our machine. Since numpy and torch are doing some internal parallelisation it is a good idea to specify how many CPUs should be used for that using:

import os

os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"

at the beginning of the code. This can affect the speed of the normalising flow training.

Finally, other pools can also be used, particularly if you plan to use pocoMC is a supercomputing cluster you may want to use an mpi4py pool so that you can utilise multiple nodes.

The speed-up offered by parallelisation in pocoMC is expected to be linear in the number of particles.

Saving and resuming runs#

A useful option, especially for long runs, is to be able to store the state of pocoMC in a file and also the to use that file in order to later continue the same run. This can help avoid disastrous situations in which a run is interrupted or terminated prematurely (e.g. due to time limitation in computing clusters or possible crashes).

Fortunately, pocoMC offers both options to save and load a previous state of the sampler.

Saving the state of the sampler#

In order to save the state of the sampler during the run, one has to specify how often to save the state in a file. This is done using the save_every argument in the run method. The default is save_every=None which means that no state is saved during the run. If instead we want to store the state of pocoMC every e.g. 3 iterations, we would do something like:
    save_every = 3,

The default directory in which the state files are saved is a folder named states in the current directory. One can change this using the output_dir argument when initialising the sampler (e.g. output_dir = "new_run"). By default, the state files follow the naming convention pmc_{i}.state where i is the iteration index. For instance, if save_every=3 was specified then the output_dir directory will include the files pmc_3.state, pmc_6.state, etc. One can also change the label from pmc to anything else by using the output_label argument when initialising the sampler (e.g. output_label="grav_waves").

Loading the state of the sampler#

Loading a previous state of the sampler and resuming the run from that point requires to provide the path to the specific state file to the run method using the resume_state_path argument. For instance, if we want to continue the run from the pmc_3.state which is in the states directory, we would do:
    resume_state_path = "states/pmc_3.state"